
Chapter 8 Assignment A: Tools for Monitoring Changes to Files and Memory

Using Word or a Word-compatible word processor, submit the following deliverables. For written responses, each numbered answer should be 150-200 words (a nice paragraph) at a minimum, well-written (including proper spelling, punctuation, grammar), and cover the topic fully. Use a standard font (such as Arial or Calibri), font size 12, and double-space your answers. If you use information found outside of the text in your answer (this is highly encouraged), cite your source(s). Make sure to number your answers appropriately. If you are skipping an answer, number as usual and note “No Answer” or “Question skipped.”

Assignment Description

You are a digital forensics intern at Azorian Computer Forensics, a privately owned forensics investigations and data recovery firm in the Denver, Colorado area. An enterprise client’s network was recently attacked. Azorian was asked to determine the source of the attack and to suggest a solution for hardening the network, servers, and devices to prevent future attacks. It is important that the solution can detect changes to files and memory, which might indicate an attack, and allow files or memory to be checkpointed and restored to a pre-attack condition, if necessary.

Your manager needs your help researching various enterprise monitoring tools and has asked you to gather information about Tripwire and CimTrak.

For this assignment, provide the following deliverables:

  1. Use the Internet to research Tripwire. What are its main features? How does it detect external attacks? Which operating systems does it support? What are some business benefits of using this product?
  2. Use the Internet to research CimTrak. What are its main features? How does it detect external attacks? Which operating systems does it support? What are some business benefits of using this product?